Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Ellin (California) Marches Forth

Alison -

My marching forth is in small strides, locally. I think this will continue to be same pattern for 2009!! I'll continue to help my 90-yr-old friends who live in assisted living in Oakland, California. (Mostly, we go out to lunch, take trips to the doctor, spend hours sorting through clothes, jewelry and cosmetics, etc.). I give as much moral and physical support as I can to friends who have breast cancer or heart disease and need extra-flexible time on a one-to-one basis. (Helping one friend involves trips to Connecticut for weeks at a time)

This will be my 8th year serving on the volunteer board of California Revels. There are Revels organizations in about 11 cities. This is the 24th year here in the San Francisco Bay area & I have gone to Revels with family and friends for 22 of those major Christmas celebrations, plus May Day, Summer Solstice & others. I believe that people need ways to celebrate life together and we need to keep oral traditions alive as part of our celebrating!! Do not veg in front of the TV or computer! Go Sing and Dance with others.

"Revels is a unique form of participatory musical theatre that brings together people of all ages and backgrounds in joyful celebration of the seasons. It draws upon traditions of song, dance and performance from around the world and across the ages to present theatrical events rich in meaning, lively in presentation and wide in appeal. To participate in a Revels is to experience the mystery of life and the joy of community in an entirely new and satisfying way." "Our major show is The Christmas Revels; bringing people together to celebrate the Winter Solstice season. It’s musical theatre that holds something special for the whole family. Oddly enough, we draw on tradition to create a holiday celebration that is non-traditional; one that moves people in deep and special ways and keeps them coming back, season after season."

~~Ellin, California

1 comment:

  1. Here is a special March Forth Movie, pass it on and keep marching!

