Sunday, March 1, 2009

What is March Forth!

What the heck is March Forth? The short story: March Forth is when you use the date March 4th to march forth into our communities and give back. Maybe you don't have time on that actual date to organize a volunteer task. So use this date to stop... reflect... and commit to doing something different or better for your community.

Simple enough, really. Many of us are involved in a variety of charitable activities throughout the year - especially in November & December. But why don't we remember other times of the year? And why do we feel the deeds must be grand gestures or long-term projects. Think about the impact of daily kindness.

Think about the way you, your family and your friends will March Forth this year. To read more, go to And please share with us how you Lived the March this year. Pass it on.

1 comment:

  1. Alison,
    I love this. Still another instance of brilliance, leadership and caring on your part. Have I mentioned that you are magnificent?
