Wednesday, March 11, 2009

March 4th Explorer


I wanted you to know that while I've been thinking of a particular writing project for several years, I haven't done anything about it because there always seemed to be other stuff to do.

When I saw your March 4th reminder e-mails this year, I realized I could actually do something about my project if I simply made it a priority. So...I launched the Exploring People website this month with the help of March Forth motivation kicking me into gear.

I've wanted to publish Exploring People because I'm constantly meeting really cool people who are explorers in their every day lives. So now I am interviewing these people to catch a glimpse of their adventures and thrills of personal discovery. Places, ideas, skills, or new experiences -- these are all fair game for Exploring People.

To spread the word about the March Forth movement, Exploring People featured Alison as the March 4, 2009 "Interview of the Day." Check it out.


Friday, March 6, 2009

The Call

I suspect some delay making a March Forth commitment because it seems daunting. Most think it needs to be a big project or monetary gift. Or that you must hear "the call" from above. Nope. Being a good neighbor doesn't need to be a grand gesture. We all know small deeds speak volumes.

On March 4th, my 80-year-old Mom Marched Forth. Mom is legally blind & hindered by Rheumatoid arthritis. She lives alone in our family home of 52 years. Most days, Mom's adventures are limited. How would she honor March 4th with such limitations?

On March 4th, Mom made a phone call to an old friend. The friend is homebound and has little family living. Mom had put the call off for weeks, maybe months, because this old friend is a real talker. (the humor here is if my mother thinks someone else is a "talker", well, then....geez.)
But my Mom knows loneliness. And she relishes those energizing phone calls from old friends.

So, on March 4th, Mom settled down w/ a cup of tea...and made a very important call.
The call to be a caring friend and neighbor.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Stop Talking, Start Stocking

So, yep, I don't just stand on the box and yell for others to start Marching. I do *try* to live it. So, yesterday, for my 44th bday, I arranged for a group of my closest friends to help me celebrate. Lorrie, Ben, Amy HoneyLuv, Janna, Lisa & Jeff Redfield and I met at Lifecare Alliance after work. We got a tour of the new (since November) building which is amazing and chock full of programs, services and good work for Columbus seniors and also people served by Project OpenHand and the Columbus Cancer Clinic.

Our task was viewed as daunting by the Lifecare Alliance staff member. There was just one of her. But with an organized, energetic and goofy half dozen of people, we plowed through the two projects of organizing the food pantry fairly quickly. Seeing it as a time and quality challenge. We sorted and organized on pallets huge shipments of Ensure. So many flavors. So, forever, I'll hear "Creamy Milk Chocolate, regular!" echoed in my head. So, we helped a little bit. But we learned a lot. Thank you Paul and Andrea at LifeCare Alliance for helping me find a volunteer project. And a SPECIAL Thank you to Shelly at LifeCare Alliance who gave up a night with her family to help some of my "family" March Forth! So many blessings!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

How Ellin (California) Marches Forth

Alison -

My marching forth is in small strides, locally. I think this will continue to be same pattern for 2009!! I'll continue to help my 90-yr-old friends who live in assisted living in Oakland, California. (Mostly, we go out to lunch, take trips to the doctor, spend hours sorting through clothes, jewelry and cosmetics, etc.). I give as much moral and physical support as I can to friends who have breast cancer or heart disease and need extra-flexible time on a one-to-one basis. (Helping one friend involves trips to Connecticut for weeks at a time)

This will be my 8th year serving on the volunteer board of California Revels. There are Revels organizations in about 11 cities. This is the 24th year here in the San Francisco Bay area & I have gone to Revels with family and friends for 22 of those major Christmas celebrations, plus May Day, Summer Solstice & others. I believe that people need ways to celebrate life together and we need to keep oral traditions alive as part of our celebrating!! Do not veg in front of the TV or computer! Go Sing and Dance with others.

"Revels is a unique form of participatory musical theatre that brings together people of all ages and backgrounds in joyful celebration of the seasons. It draws upon traditions of song, dance and performance from around the world and across the ages to present theatrical events rich in meaning, lively in presentation and wide in appeal. To participate in a Revels is to experience the mystery of life and the joy of community in an entirely new and satisfying way." "Our major show is The Christmas Revels; bringing people together to celebrate the Winter Solstice season. It’s musical theatre that holds something special for the whole family. Oddly enough, we draw on tradition to create a holiday celebration that is non-traditional; one that moves people in deep and special ways and keeps them coming back, season after season."

~~Ellin, California

Monday, March 2, 2009

Frances Carr marches every day

If you've had the priviledge of meeting Frances Carr, you will understand when I say that it is like standing in a huge column of sunshine. Not because she is "sorority sister" smiley outgoing but more because her commitment and humility warms your heart... it also shines a light on your own choices. In raw light, you are forced to really see your community. In revealing light, you are asked to really look at what you are doing to help.

Frances leads the Holy Family Soup Kitchen & Food Pantry downtown ( Maybe you remember Frances from news stories when thieves ruined the kitchen's refrigeration units threatening to impact hundreds of people that depend on the soup kitchen each week. The kitchen rebounded, thanks to the kindness of many in the community that Marched Forth in support of the kitchen.

Frances makes you think. She doesn't intend to inspire. She just does.
She Marches Forth every day. She is direct. She is dedicated. She is strong. And she is respected by those that visit the kitchen and those living in the community. She is no frills - well, except for that ray of sunshine that emanates from her. She is humble, grateful, and oh so focused. She was called to work on behalf of her neighbors. Her light comes from inside. And she is happy, and driven, to share it with others.

How will you share your light?
How will you March Forth?

Sunday, March 1, 2009

What is March Forth!

What the heck is March Forth? The short story: March Forth is when you use the date March 4th to march forth into our communities and give back. Maybe you don't have time on that actual date to organize a volunteer task. So use this date to stop... reflect... and commit to doing something different or better for your community.

Simple enough, really. Many of us are involved in a variety of charitable activities throughout the year - especially in November & December. But why don't we remember other times of the year? And why do we feel the deeds must be grand gestures or long-term projects. Think about the impact of daily kindness.

Think about the way you, your family and your friends will March Forth this year. To read more, go to And please share with us how you Lived the March this year. Pass it on.